Sunday, 11 October 2015

2D Shapes

We love shapes! 
This week we have been learning to recognise and describe 2D shapes. 

When we were shape hunters we found lots of 2D shapes around the school. We spotted that the windows were rectangles and some lights were circles. Can you find any of these shapes outside or at home?

Circle               Triangle                  Square                Rectangle                                    Pentagon                        Hexagon?

What shape is being made and described in this photo?

Saturday, 10 October 2015


This weeks homework is to tell a story to an adult at home. Lots of fantastic stories have been whizzing into my inbox this weekend. 

This is one of my favorites. One of the fantastic Year 1 pupils retelling the story of Goldilocks and the Three bears.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Instructions for baking bread

After all our delicious bread making last week, this week we have been writing instructions on how to make bread. Here is one child's fantastic writing .
Remember to not forget the final and most important instruction.


We have been doing some great singing in Year 1. This week we sang the song Five Little Speckled Frogs in music. 

Here are some photos of us singing.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Making bread in school

Yesterday we made more bread in school.

Working as a team to knead the bread

We read the recipe and then acted out the verbs. Before giving instructions to our team mates on how to make bread. Our bread made the classrooms smell delicious.

Today we're going to be writing our own bread recipes. Check the blog soon to read them.